EXXEL POLYMERS Inc. - - - - Canada
Top flexibility with TVEplus®

The recycler EXXEL POLYMERS processes a very wide variety of input materials from a multitude of post-industrial supply streams in Quebec, Canada, to make high-quality recycled pellets. The company is growing continuously and, based on years of positive experience with the flexible TVEplus® technology, has now invested in a further EREMA system – an INTAREMA® 1309 TVEplus® with Laserfilter.

EXXEL processes more than 11,000 tonnes of post-industrial plastic scraps in HDPE, PS and PP in the form of regrind, film/sheet and nonwovens on a yearly basis. The company analyses the input material from the various supply streams in its own laboratory so that material flows can be grouped together to be in a position to provide the best quality of specified recycled pellets to clients in Canada and the USA for extrusion, injection molding and industrial parts. “We process all types of material. And to do so we need a flexible recycling technology which enables us to switch for example from regrind to film/sheet or materials with MFI values ranging from low to high,” explains Éric Fradette, President at EXXEL POLYMERS, “plus the system has to be able to remove any dust and moisture inside the input material.” The company has had an EREMA 1109 TVEplus® in operation for some years for this purpose. This system can process the many different materials ideally with stable quality while at the same time coping with even the big challenges in terms of moisture and dust, too.

® increases flexibility
EXXEL‘s strategy is to be flexible at all times in order to be able to process all materials. Éric Fradette adds: “There are so many different types of plastic on the market – and this is precisely the challenge!” To remain flexible enough in the future as well and thus be able to fulfil market requirements the company has now installed another system, based on its excellent experience with EREMA; this time it is a new INTAREMA® 1309 TVEplus® with Laserfilter. Charles Bordeau, Vice President at EXXEL, is fully satisfied with the new system: “The plant stands out through even greater flexibility of the input material and in respect of degassing and the high degree of efficiency of the Laserfilter.”

We process all types of material. And to do so we need a flexible recycling technology which enables us to switch for example from regrind to film/sheet or materials with MFI values ranging from low to high plus the system has to be able to remove any dust and moisture inside the input material.

Éric Fradette


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