For more quality and higher process stability.

Continuous quality monitoring of colour and MVR values directly at the recycling machine.


QualityOn redefines the standard for monitoring quality in plastics recycling. Because thanks to the innovative EREMA online measuring features you are informed about the current MVR and colour values already while the machine is processing – and do not have to wait until later in the laboratory.

As soon as the values measured leave the defined tolerance range you automatically receive an alert and can take prompt remedial measures in the process or flush flawed material from the process while it is still running.

This ensures that you and your customers have recycled pellets with consistent properties. For more quality and higher process stability. Another bonus: QualityOn saves a great deal of time and work compared to conventional laboratory methods.

Your benefits.

Economical and technically better.

Continuous quality monitoring of colour and MVR (melt volume-flow rate) values at the machine during processing – no need to wait until later in the laboratory

Quality in control

Consistent recycled pellet properties, assured process quality – permanent quality control, quickly detecting and reacting to deviations from the target state

  • Notification if no longer within the defined tolerance range
  • Option: integration of a deflector for the immediate deflecting out of defective material and for sorting into various quality grades

Saves time and personnel

QualityOn saves a great deal of time and work compared to conventional laboratory methods.

Robust, straightforward and reliable design of measuring units

Geared to the higher requirements of recycling

QualityOn & RE360
A strong team

Get more out of your QualityOn data – with re360, the new EREMA manufacturing execution system (optional).

This system gives you a clear view of the MVR and colour data, prepares them in a structured way for later data analysis and enables the necessary long-term data storage for quality documentation.


Precise online measurement of the polymer and filler composition of the input material in real-time directly at the Preconditioning Unit (PCU)

Your benefits.

Economical and technically better.

Precise online measurement 

Precise online measurement of the polymer and filler composition of the input material in real-time directly at the Preconditioning Unit (PCU)

Stable input for stable output

The patented concept enables early detection and reaction to an input material composition that does not meet the required specifications

RAMAN spectroscopy

Using RAMAN spectroscopy to record material information periodically. The interaction between laser light and material reliably determines the composition of the material in the PCU

Suitable for all thermoplastics and fillers;excluding very dark and black input materials

Visualisation at the EREMA machine

Permanent quality control: Visualisation at the EREMA machine and a notification is sent if values are not within the adjustable polymer composition tolerance range

Sorting qualities possible due to downstream recycled pellet diverter (optional)

Ideally adapted to the PCU, thanks to patented EREMA technology

Reliable system based on long-lasting laser technology

Process optimisation

QualityOn:Polyscan optimises the process thanks to the online detection of relative quality fluctuations; supplementing laboratory measurements to a great advantage

Available as a standalone system 

Available as a standalone system (incl. visualisation) for retrofitting or for integration in a new machine

The EREMA MES re360 offers even more transparency

Option: the EREMA MES re360 offers even more transparency, overview and analysis possibilities, including long-term data storage


Precise online measuring of pellet colour in real time directly at the machine

Your benefits.

Economical and technically better.

The online spectrophotometer detects the slightest differences in colour

High-resolution grid spectrometer ensures reliable detection of the smallest differences in colour which are not visible to the human eye – this means the information is available long before thresholds are reached

Reliable and stable system based on long-lasting LED technology

Practical teach function 

Practical teach function enables easy and quick learning of the desired production in line with the current colour

A signal is given if the colour is not within the defined tolerance range

Optional deflector setting

Optional deflector setting: recycled pellets with the "wrong colour" are deflected out until production has become stable again – this means that a light production colour is not contaminated with darker material

Visualisation of colour values

  • Standard: the practical trend display on the machine gives you a quick picture of time-dependent colour deviations
  • Option: the new EREMA MES re360 offers even more transparency, overview and analysis possibilities, including long-term data storage

Low maintenance

Available as a standalone system for retrofitting or for integrating in a new machine


Continuous online measuring of melt volume-flow rate (MVR) in real time directly at the machine.

Your benefits.

Economical and technically better.

Automated measuring process based on the standardised laboratory method.

Straightforward and robust system

Designed especially for recycling:

Unlike well-known online viscosity measuring systems which use gear pump technology and are designed primarily for clean polymers in the virgin material sector, the QualityOn:MVR measuring unit is designed especially for the higher requirements of recycling processes. It is, for example, insensitive to extremely small contaminant particles of 100-1000 μm which are common in post-consumer recycling.

Possible to sort quality according to different viscosity grades by means of a downstream recycled pellet deflector

Exact and pertinent measured values

Representative measuring: ingenious design ensures lowest possible influence on removed measuring charge through residence time

"Clean" data: thanks to the innovative ContiFlush rinsing mechanism the measuring system is cleaned quickly and efficiently after every measurement; this means that results are not influenced by residues from previous measuring processes or contaminants in the volume measured


The new EREMA manufacturing execution system for transparent and clear visualisation, processing, analysis and long-term storage of the MVR data

Available as a standalone system for retrofitting or for integrating in a new machine


Continuous online measuring of intrinsic viscosity (IV) in real time directly at the machine. The measured value is already the final IV value which the finished pellets will also have. 

Your benefits.

Economical and technically better.

Continuous online measuring

Continuous online measuring of intrinsic viscosity (IV) in real time directly at the machine. The measured value is already the final IV value which the finished pellets will also have..

Permanent quality control

Visualisation of final IV value at the EREMA machine. A signal is given if the IV value is not within the defined tolerance range Possible to sort quality according to different viscosity grades by means of a downstream recycled pellet deflector (optional)

Process quality assured

QualityOn:IV enabled by the fully automatic control system, allows you to optimise a number of important processing parameters such as throughput, processing temperatures, filling levels, etc.

Optimised design for extremely easy start-up and maintenance.

Process optimisation

QualityOn:IV optimises the process thanks to the online detection of relative quality fluctuations; supplementing laboratory measurements to a great advantage

Available as a standalone system (incl. visualisation) for retrofitting or for integration in a new machine


We’d be happy to answer your questions about this technology and the advantages of COREMA®. Give us a call or write to us. We are here for you and optimised compounding at any time.